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Terms & Conditions 

Terms and conditions for using the website

Introduction and general provisions

Welcome to Fayendra website, the following are the terms and conditions related to the terms of use and access to the pages of "Fayendra" or "". The words and expressions mentioned in this agreement are given the meanings assigned to them as follows:​  

  • "Fayendra": A trademark registered in all countries of the world and represented in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Harebridge Middle East, or "Harebridge Middle East Co.", a limited liability company.
  • "The Site" or "We": means wherever it is mentioned in the agreement, "The Fayendra website". All pages, links, tools and features branching from the website and related to the services provided by it are considered an integral part of the Fayendra website.
  • “Customer” or “you”: means the entity that requests the service from the “site” whether this entity is a natural person or a legal person.
  • "Agreement": means the agreement of terms and conditions for using the Fayendra website, which includes all the terms and conditions stated to the customer that govern and regulate the customer's use of the Fayendra website.
  • This website is operated by Harebridge Middle East, which has the right to use the trademark Fayendra, is a limited liability company duly regulated under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under commercial registration number 4650549817, whose address is at PO Box 3096, Medina 42331, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Important Notice:

  • The client agrees that his use of the website is an express and clear acknowledgment and states that he reads and understands the terms and conditions of this agreement and the method of using the site, and also considered an explicit approval from him to the terms and provisions of this agreement and to respond to it and he is fully qualified legally. The customer’s use of the site expressly confirms his commitment to and compliance with all the terms and conditions of the agreement and all the terms and conditions of Harbridge Middle East or “Harebridge Middle East Co”. It is known to the customer that, in case that the approval condition is chosen, the terms and conditions of the agreement are considered valid facing the client.
  • By visiting the website you agree to be bound and agree to comply with the terms stipulated in these terms and conditions that govern your entry and shopping on the site and that are accessed through the address and any related domain names.
  • If you wish to use our services you must read and agree to abide by our policies related to those services. In particular, your attention is brought to our policies on terms of purchase and our privacy policy. If you are a minor and / or under the age of 18, you must allow your parent or legal guardian to know our privacy policy before you register to use this website or any of the services.

Eligibility for membership :

  1. Site membership is granted only to persons over the age of 18. The site has the right to cancel the account of any member who has not reached the age of 18 without notice, with an obligation to settle his financial accounts as soon as the account is closed.
  2. No person may use the site if his membership is cancelled by Fayendra.
  3. In case that any user registers as a commercial institution, his commercial institution shall be bound by all the terms and conditions mentioned in this agreement.
  4. Every person using the site must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations to regulate electronic commerce (trade via the Internet).
  5. No customer or organization has the right to use one email and / or one mobile number to open more than one account for any reason, and the site administration has the right to freeze the violating accounts and / or cancel these accounts or one of them with an obligation to liquidate all account-related operations before closing it And / or freeze and / or cancel it without any liability on the site Fayendra.
  6. The customer acknowledges and agrees, and in case of proven breach of clause (5) above, that the Fayendra website has the right to cancel any purchase or sale orders or any operations made by the customer and / or the institution, and in this case the customer and / or the organization acknowledges and agrees that Fayendra website does not bear any responsibility.
  7. Individual and institutional users must abide by commercial contracts with members.
  8. The member and / or the client acknowledges that in the case it is found to be in breach of Clause (7) that Fayendra has the right to take all legal measures to confront it and to claim damages.

Cancelling access and / or membership

Without harming its other rights and legitimate means to recover his rights, the site and / or Fayendra can suspend or cancel your membership and / or access to the site at any time without notice and for any reason, without limitation, and can cancel this user agreement.

Your account and registration obligations :

Once the application for registration for membership in the site is submitted, the client is obliged to reveal specific information and choose a secret username and password to use when entering the site. Upon acceptance of the registration application, you will be considered a member of the site, and thus you will have agreed to:  

  • You are responsible in particular for maintaining the confidentiality of information related to your account and secret password and specifying the persons allowed to access and use your account on the site.
  • The customer and in case of any illegal use or any breach of his account occurs, it is necessary to inform the site and Fayendra immediately of this use.
  • In case that the site or Fayendra is not informed immediately of any unlawful use and / or penetration of the customer’s account, the site or Fayendra does not bear any responsibility.
  • The site and Fayendra will not be responsible in any way for any loss that may be caused to you directly or indirectly, morally or financially, as a result of revealing the user name or password information.
  • It is known to the customer that he is the person responsible for maintaining the use of the website in all seriousness and credibility and is considered obligated to compensate the site and Fayendra for any losses and damages that may be caused to Fayendra and the site as a result of any illegal or real use or delegated to your account by you or by any other person who got the keys to accessing your account on the site, whether it is to perform services or others using the username and password, either with or without authorization.
  • The client acknowledges that all the information he revealed is true, correct, updated and complete information that expresses himself and corresponds to what is required in the registration form with the site.
  • The word "Fayendra" shall be not included in the registration card in any of your contact details such as email addresses, phone numbers, or any personal details or in the user registration ID.
  • The name of your store does not include the word "Fayendra" or its logo.
  • The site is committed to dealing with your personal information and contact addresses in strict confidentiality with other members.
  • You will be obligated to keep the registration data and update it sequentially for the purpose of keeping it true, correct, current and complete, and if you reveal information that is not true, incorrect, not current or incomplete or contrary to what is stated in the user agreement, then the site and / or Fayendra has the full right to suspend, limit or cancel your membership and account on the site, without prejudice to the rights of the site and / or other Fayendra and its legitimate means of restoring its rights.
  • The site and / or for Fayendra is absolutely willing and at any time to conduct any investigations it deems necessary (directly or through a third party) and requests you to reveal additional information or documents of any size to verify your identity and / or ownership of your financial tools.
  • In case that the applicant is a representative of a commercial establishment or a company, he is obligated to provide all the required information and documents, including but not limited your commercial license, and any other documents of the organization and / or documents that show the responsibility of any person acting on your behalf.
  • The client acknowledges that he agrees to provide the site and / or Fayendra with any information and / or documents immediately upon request from him.
  • Some related services and features that include, but are not limited to, newsletters, that may be available on the website, may require registration or subscription in order to be able to use them. If you choose to register or subscribe to any of these services or related features, you agree to provide complete, correct and up-to-date information about yourself, and you must update this information directly in case there are any changes
  • We may change the registration or subscription requirements with us from time to time. As a user of the website, you are solely responsible for keeping passwords and other identifiers of the account safe and secure.
  • In case that you do not comply with any of the above, the website administration and / or Fayendra has the right to suspend or cancel your membership and to block you from the site. We also reserve the right to cancel any unconfirmed and unverified accounts, operations or accounts that have been inactive for a long period of time.
  • It is known to the customer that the site is not considered an auction or bank and does not provide similar services, but rather is a website through which registered buyers are sold.
  • Membership on the site is free.
  • The site reserves the right to make adjustments to the transaction fees as it deems appropriate.

*Please refer to our privacy policy for information on how we use the data.*


  • The purchase of products through the website is strictly limited to the parties who can legally enter and form contact points on the Internet according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • In order to make purchases on the website, you must provide your personal details, including your actual first and last name, a valid mobile number, an alternate mobile number, a valid email address, payment details, a delivery address for billing and any other information requested as indicated. You warrant and guarantee that the payment details you provide are valid, complete, and correct and that you are the person referred to in the submitted billing information.
  • The website is only available to people who fulfill the eligibility requirements set by Fayendra , those who hold a valid credit / debit card with a bank acceptable to Fayendra , and those who authorize us to charge their credit / debit cards or fees for the total purchase price of the product (s) they buy. The products purchased are for personal use or gifting purposes and may not be resold, used for commercial purposes, or for any other commercial benefit. Fayendra reserves the right to restrict multiple quantities of any product shipped to a single customer or delivery address.
  • By submitting any offer to purchase a product (s), you explicitly authorize Fayendra to conduct a check of your balance and transfer or obtain your credit / debit card information or your balance report information (including any updated information) to or from third parties to verify your identity and validity The effect of your credit / debit card, obtaining initial documentation of your credit / debit card and / or authorizing individual purchases, as we deem necessary. You agree that we may use the personal information provided by you to conduct necessary anti-fraud checks and that personal information may also be revealed to credit or anti-fraud agencies, which may retain that information.

*Please refer to our privacy policy for information on how we use your data*

Electronic communication :

  • Customer acknowledges and agrees to be communicated via e-mail, or through broadcast ads promoting on the site, also acknowledges and agrees that all conventions, declarations, data and other communications supplied to him electronically serve as those written to meet the legal requirements.
  • The website and / or Fayendra during the period of your membership will send e-mails To inform you of any new changes, procedures or promotional activities that may be added to the site.
  • As a user, you have the right to confirm that you do not want to receive promotional emails, and you can cancel receiving such emails.

Prohibitions when using the site:  

  • Posting inappropriate information, content or news within the accepted customs and traditions.
  • Broadcasting information (according to our evaluation) false, fraudulent, incorrect, misleading, defamatory, slanderous, intimidating or annoying .
  • Posting notes, questions or answers that are not true in nature, including but not limited to, racist comments, use of profane language, assaulting another user, insulting other cultures or making any other abusive comments.
  • Include information that violates the third-party intellectual property rights and other property or right of confidentiality.
  • Posting dirty or obscene information, which includes but is not limited to pornographic information and any information (we see in our opinion) is inappropriate.
  • Publishing information (in our view) that holds a critical political opinion or content that harms the public interest.
  • Publish any information or content that is (in our view) transgressing local culture, religion or traditions.
  • Broadcasting information or content (in our view) that may not be compatible with Islamic Sharia laws, provisions, principles, values, ethics and traditions.
  • Publishing information or content (in our view) that may threaten national security.
  • Posting information or content (in our view) that includes or encourages gambling.
  • Fabricating a claim on the site and / or Fayendra or causing total or partial loss to the services of Internet operators or any other suppliers.
  • Doing anything that carries or may carry us (in our view) huge unjustified burdens on our infrastructure and operating policy.
  • Interfering or attempting to interfere to influence the workflow on the site.
  • Attempting to take over another user account or any fraud on the site or user accounts and other domains of their own.
  • Exporting or re-exporting any tools related to the site except for what is stipulated in the laws regulating the export in any of the legislations in force in such affairs.
  • Reproduction, amendment or distribution of any content on the site or in violation of copyright or trademark in any way.
  • Violation of any laws, provisions, regulations, guidelines, third party rights or Fayendra contracts.
  • Damage to Fayendra and / or the website through the use of the shipping services provided by Fayendra and / or the site or other properties or contracts or terms and conditions related to Fayendra, which are displayed on the site from time to time.
  • Access to, tampering with or using non-public areas of the website, our computer programs or technical delivery systems for our suppliers.
  • Investigating or scanning or testing the weakness of any system or network or breaching or circumventing to any of security or documentary measures.
  • Access to , search in, or attempt to access or search on the website by any means (automatic or other) other than the published facades currently available to us and provided by us (and only in accordance with the terms and conditions), unless you are specifically permitted to do so in an agreement separate with us.
  • Counterfeiting any title TCP / IP or any part of the address information in any email or post, or using the website in any way to send variable, fraudulent or false source identification information.
  • Interfering with or disrupting ( or attempting to do so) the access of any user , host or network, including, without limitation, sending viruses , overloading , overflowing , sending inappropriate material over the internet , blowing up e-mail, or by programming private content creation to disrupt or create an undue burden on the website.

You undertake, declare and warrant that you are:

  • You are 18 or older.
  • You have the authority to compel the organization "if you are a representative of an organization ".
  • You will comply with all applicable local and international laws in this regard, in addition to that you will comply with all applicable provisions regarding the use of the site.
  • You will not collect information about other users, including their email addresses and other means of communication.
  • You will not reveal or publish any personal information about users, or use it in any way (in our view) that may violate their privacy, privacy and applicable laws.

Damage to Fayendra :

  • Any problems of any kind regarding a violation of this User Agreement must be reported on the site.
  • If you believe your intellectual property rights have been violated, you should inform the site and / or Fayendra of this.
  • If clause 2 above is proved, the site and / or Fayendra may resort without harming its interests and rights, to limit, stop or block the user's access to the site and / or cancel his membership of the site, or remove any content on the site.
  • Likewise, the website and / or Fayendra may resort to technical and / or legal steps against users who create legal problems or claims of any kind, such as violating the intellectual property rights of third parties or dealing in inappropriate ways with this user agreement or with our contracts.
  • It is forbidden to display addresses of links to other sites outside the site.

Your content :

  • You are responsible for your use of the website, and for any information, texts, graphics, pictures or any other material that you download or share on the website or any of our other websites and related minor websites and platforms that are accessed to it through the address and any related domain names, and any consequences arising therefrom. Most of the content that you post, share or display on the website will be public by default and can be viewed by other users and through the services and websites of others. You must provide content that you feel comfortable sharing with others under these terms and conditions.
  • When placing your content, you agree not to post comments that are inherently untrue, including but not limited to placing any racist comments , using profanity , offending any other user , disrespecting any other culture, or making any insulting or indecent comments. We may not monitor or exercise control over your content and we can not also take your responsibility for your content as well. If any use or reliance on your content or content provided by any party other than Fayendra (other users) ("other content") or who you get through the website is at your own risk. Your content may be reviewed and may take up to 48 hours to be displayed, but Fayendra is not obligated to verify your content or other content and is not responsible for it.

  • If you have any complaints about any comments please contact our customer service. Fayendra reserves the right not to publish or remove any particular content of your or other content which it deems illegal or defamatory or racist or incitement to hatred or violence, or harmful to persons or institutions or religions or an attack on others privacy or causes harm to minors, is harmful to trademarks or patents, or content that contains copyright and or contains personal data or inappropriate uses in order to advertise and promote private business.

  • You understand that by using this website, you may be exposed to other content that may be offensive, harmful, inaccurate, or inappropriate in any way, or in some cases, to some misleading posts in any other way. We are not responsible under any circumstances or in any way for any of your content or other content.

  • You reserve your rights to your content. By submitting or post or offering your content on or through the website, you give us a license - free property rights and non - exclusive worldwide (with your right to sublicense) to use, copy, publish, processing, modify, adapt, transfer, display and distribute your content in any and all media or distribution methods (currently known or to be developed later). You agree that this license includes Fayendra right to provide and improve and promote its services and to provide your content to companies or other institutions or other members of Fayendra partners to share or broadcast or distribute, or your content published on your media and other services, taking into account our conditions and our provisions for the use of your content. These additional uses are made by Fayendra or any other companies, institutions or individuals of Fayendra partners without paying you any compensation for your content.

We reserve the right to access, read, save and reveal any information we believe within the rights reasonably necessary to:

a) Satisfy any applicable law, legislation, legal procedures, or government requests.

b) Enforce terms and conditions, including investigation of any possible breaches thereof.

c) Preventing, hindering, or otherwise dealing with any fraud, security or technical issues.

d) Responding to user support requests.

e) Protect the rights, property, or safety of Fayendra, its users, and the general public.

*This website may include links to other websites that are operated , controlled or produced by others (including but not limited to other entities of Fayendra Group through their respective websites ). Unless it is indicated otherwise, we do not control or endorse or ensure or adopt any of the websites for the third party or their content, and do not offer any guarantee or assume any responsibility with respect to any aspect of those websites or their content. You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of these third-party websites and platforms.*

Requests for products:

  • The products offered for sale on the website are subject to approval and availability. If, for any reason, after placing an order for a product (s) unable to supply a specific product, we will inform you of reasonable speed, cancel your order with respect to the relevant product (s) and return to you or return to your account any amount paid by you or deducted. From your credit / debit card for the product (s) we are unable to supply.
  • All applications are subject to acceptance. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any of the requests, for any reason, including lack of precision, or errors in product or pricing information, which we can not get a payment authorization on them, or that restrictions apply to shipping on any element specified therein, or in which any required element does not meet our quality control standards which are withdrawn for that, or in which the eligibility criteria mentioned within the terms and conditions or any problems identified by us do not meet .
  • Fayendra may keep a record of your operations for ten (10) years or more .
  • Unless your order is cancelled, acceptance of your order is completed upon completion of the filling of your order by us. The contract between us and Fayendra is completed when we send the products to you, at which time you will receive an email confirming that your order has been sent. The completion of the contract in Saudi Arabia at the time of submission and the contract language is Arabic or English. The party that handles the payment process from our third party or the carrier chosen by us does not have the authority to accept any request on behalf of Fayendra.
  • We may refuse to perform an operation for any reason or refuse to service any person at any time sole discretion. We will not be liable to you or to any third party, because we have withdrawn for any product from the website, whether that product is sold or not, and we can remove or examine or modify any of material or content on the website or refuse to carry out any operation or cancel or suspend any process after starting execution.
  • Every effort is made to ensure that all details contained in the website are correct. However, from time to time we may discover an error in the pricing of products. If we detect an error in pricing a product in your order, we will notify you as quickly as possible. We do not have any obligation to accept or fulfill any request for a product that was advertised at an incorrect price and we reserve the right to cancel that order even if it was accepted or was during transmission. If you ordered an incorrectly priced product, we will contact you via email or phone to inform you that we have not accepted your order and / or that the relevant part of your order has been cancelled. If you have already paid for the product (s), we return the full amount to you or we re-deposit that amount into your account as soon as we can. In case of re-ordering products that are in transit, we return the amount to you and / or redeposit it in your account as soon as the products get back to us.
  • By confirming your purchases at the end of the ordering process, you agree to accept and pay the full amount payable for the product (s) according to what is stated in your order, including any delivery charges applied to that order.

Prices and offers:

  • The prices of the products appearing on the website and delivery charges are announced in Saudi riyals or US dollars, and include effective import taxes and fees.
  • Delivery fees will be added to the price of the products, indicating them in Saudi riyals or US dollars, separately on the order form during the completion of the purchase.
  • If you are a customer whose credit / debit card is not calculated in Saudi Riyals, the final price is calculated according to the currency exchange rate applied on the day the card issuing authority performs the transaction.
  • Fayendra offers free gifts from time to time and is subjected to a limited period and subjected to quantity availability. The minimum purchase is applied in addition to other conditions. This information is clarified on the site during the period of offers. If free gifts are available when making a purchase order, they will appear in the shopping bag and if the offer consists of two levels, only one gift will be added for the eligible purchase. It is also not possible to combine more than one offer in the same shopping bag.

Payment policy:

Our accepted payment methods:

  1. Credit / debit card: Visa / Master Card.
  2. Mada.
  3. E-voucher from Fayendra.
  • All credit / debit card payments are subject to verification of validity and authorization from the issuer. If the credit / debit card issuer refuses to authorize the payment, we will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery. We will cancel your order and contact you about an alternative payment method.
  • The details on the credit / debit card used for the payment must match the exact identification information related to the cardholder on the card issuer. The amount is deducted from your account when your order is completed by Fayendra . You acknowledge that the credit / debit card used is your own or that you are specifically authorized by the owner of the credit / debit card to use it.
  • No credit / debit card details will be stored, sold, rented or leased to a third party except for your payment gateway service provider.
  • We do reasonable care to make the website secure. Ensure that your card number will be protected with the SSL protocol, a security technology to encrypt your card details and provide a secure link between Internet browsers and websites, allowing you to send private data over the Internet. We also do reasonable care, as long as we have the authority to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment method safe, but in the absence of negligence on our part we cannot take responsibility for any loss that you may be exposed to if any party of others accesses unauthorized access to any data you provide upon accessing or request from the website.

Shipping, delivery and receiving :

We look forward to serving you as you like, so we hope to provide us with a clear and correct address to ensure prompt delivery. The address must include the building number in addition to the street, neighborhood, and city name, and the correct phone number and name of the person concerned should be noted. Before submitting your application, you must confirm the specifications of your application very carefully and agree to abide by the terms of use of the site.

  • We review and ship orders through the "Home Delivery" service daily except for Fridays, public holidays, holidays and events, and deliver them within 3-7 working days * from the date the order payment is confirmed.
  • Also, please note that orders cannot be processed by our delivery partner on public holidays, so these days are not counted as business days.
  • The "home delivery" service is a "door to door" service in most cases, but we apologize for not implementing this service in some cases due to the limited delivery company in some villages and  some remote areas or the lack of clarity of the address.
  • In case we are provided with an incorrect address, or if a change of address is requested after shipment, the customer will afford a fee of 25 riyals for the change of address.
  • If the shipment is refused by the customer, then the 50 riyal fee for shipping and return is deducted, and then the rest of the amount is returned after we receive the shipment.
  • Fayendra does not incur any delivery mistake if any of the following data is wrong (customer address - customer phone number - customer email).

  • Fayendra does not bear any delay or undelivered products to the customer if the customer does not respond to the registered phone number, or if the customer register a wrong phone number.

  • Fayendra does not bear any import duties or taxes or customs clearance imposed by the laws and regulations in the receiving country
  • If the order is not received, the shipping fees, taxes, and customs clearance fees imposed by regulations and laws will be deducted, and then the rest of the amount will be returned after we receive the order. 

Delivery Charge :

  • Inside Saudi Arabia: In case that the order is less than 230 S.R, an amount of 28,75 S.R is paid for the delivery fee, but in case that it is more than that, the shipping and delivery are free.
  • Gulf Countries: In case that the order is less than 750 S.R, an amount of 100 S.R is paid for the delivery fee, but in case that it is more than that, the shipping and delivery are free.
  • Other countries mentioned: In case that the order is less than 1500 S.R, an amount of 120 Saudi riyals (32 dollars) will be paid for delivery, but in case it is more than that, the shipping and delivery will be free.

Tracking :

  • The tracking link for your order will be sent within 24 hours of the order .
  • How to track your order:
  1. Once your order is out of Fayendra, you will receive a confirmation e-mail for that.
  2. The shipping partner handles the delivery of all shipments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all the mentioned countries. The shipping company will then send an SMS and contact you to deliver the order.

Return and exchange policy:
Online Store

We are always keen on the satisfaction of our customers and their shopping with confidence and reassurance, where you can return or exchange the products purchased by visiting one of the Fayendra showrooms in KSA or following the return process online, considering the following terms and conditions: -

  • Returns for products purchased through the online store must be requested within a maximum of 7 days from the date you receive the product.
  • Purchases to be retrieved are required to be in good condition and not used or barcode removed and in the same original condition upon receipt and no returns will be accepted if the product has been used or the barcode has been removed.
  • The attachments obtained with the product upon purchase are required to be returned in their original packaging and in their original condition when desiring to be returned.
  • It is necessary to attach the original invoice or proof of valid purchase.For health reasons, we cannot accept returns or exchanges of earrings, watches, event and evening sets.
  • Specially manufactured products cannot be exchanged or returned to the customer.
  • Returns of defective products are limited to defects that do not result from accidents, misuse, alteration, attempt to repair or neglect after purchase, normal wear and tear, and / or failure to follow product care advice.
  • If we receive defective products out of our return policy, we will return the product to you.
  • Please send all products you wish to return from order in the same shipment for fast processing of the return process.
  • The customer will bear all shipping costs incurred for replacement and return of 50 S.R, but in case of recovery through the showroom, 25 S.R are charged for shipping charges, and in case of replacement through the showroom no fees are deducted.
  • In case of a return and after receiving and verifying the recovered product, if the payment process is via a mada card or credit card, the amount will be refunded after deducting the shipping fee if it is found on the same account that did the purchase and the time of recovery will be according to the bank to which the account is affiliated.
  • Delivery fees are not refundable.
  • If you receive the product (s) as a gift, the amount paid will be returned to the customer who made the purchase.
  • International requests sent outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are not exchangeable or refundable unless they are defective.
  • Gift coupons are not exchangeable or refundable.
  • A request for a replacement or return is submitted via email to stating the order number or invoice with the description of the product or products desired to be returned and we will contact you within 48 hours of receiving the email to arrange the replacement or return process.
  • Our team is available to serve you from Saturday to Thursday from 9 am to 6 pm, except for official holidays in the Kingdom.

Fayendra Warranty Policy

Fayendra guarantees that all products of the Fayendra brand are made of pure 925 silver for the silver products or stainless steel 316 for stainless steel products (such as watches), and that the stones set are either gemstones, natural stones or valuable stones. Fayendra guarantees not to use glass or crystal in the stones set in its products. Fayendra guarantees that its products are free from manufacturing defects if found.

Warranty period: Two years

What the warranty covers:

  • Silver is pure 925 for silver products or stainless steel is 316 for stainless steel products (such as watches).
  • The embedded stones are of value, not glass or crystal.
  • All manufacturing defects and not the use or the normal wear and tear resulting from use, failure to follow product care advice or attempting to repair outside Fayendra workshops.

The warranty does not cover:

  • Damage to products due to accidents or misuse.
  • Damage to products due to modification or attempt to repair.
  • Damage to products due to negligence after purchase or due to the normal wear and tear that results from use.
  • Damage to products as a result of not following the product care instructions.

*Please note that the rhodium, gold, and rose gold plating is normal to disappear over time, so please note that the Vendra warranty does not include that.*

Claims covered by the warranty:

  • In case that the silver caliber 925 for silver products or stainless steel is less than 316 for stainless steel products (such as watches).
  • In case that the stones are set with glass, plastic, or crystal, or they are not of value.
  • In case of stones falling due to improper installation before the customer use (any defects in the manufacture of the product and not as a result of use).

In case that one of the mentioned defects is available: Replace the product with a piece of similar value or a piece of higher value and the customer pays the difference.

How to claim warranty: We kindly ask you to visit one of our showrooms to replace the defected product. Please kindly, keep the invoice and the certificate of guarantee in case of claiming the warranty.

Who the warranty includes: The guarantee includes the original buyer of the product labeled the brand Fayendra and to the subsequent owners of the product during the warranty period. The purchase receipt and the warranty card are considered evidence of the purchase of the product. The owners of Fayendra products must maintain the receipt and the certificate of warranty in case of a claim under this guarantee.

Fayendra's privacy policy:


Our (Privacy Policy) means the way we collect, preserve, use, and how we protect your personal information. It is important that you read this Privacy Policy. We mean personal information is information that relates to a specific person and that is used to identify him.

  • We do not take into account any information of unknown source because it is not suitable to form personal information, but we collect personal information from those who wish to use Fayendra website or related web pages (including, but not limited to, your sale and purchase of goods or when you call by phone or e-mail our users support team). Once you provide us with your personal information, you have authorized us to process this information in accordance with the terms and conditions (Privacy Policy).
  • We may amend (Privacy Policy) at any time by announcing this amendment by publishing the modified version on the site. The amended version of the "Privacy Policy" will be effective as of the date of its publication. Following publication, your continued use of the site is deemed your acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned in the modified version for how we process and treat with your personal information that you have provided us with.
  • We hope that you check the website from time to time for announcements of any changes to the privacy policy.

Privacy Policy covers the following topics:

  • Our collection to your personal information
  • Our use of your personal information
  • Your use of your personal information and other user information
  • Use, enter, browse and amend your personal information
  • Links to third party websites
  • Cookies 
  • No for fraudulent or deceptive electronic messages
  • Your personal information protection
  • How can you contact us to inquire about (Privacy Policy)

Our collection to your personal information:

  • As part of registering or using the site you will be asked to provide us with specific personal information such as your name, shipping address, email, and / or phone number and other similar information and some additional information about you such as your date of birth or any information that is specific to your identity. Additionally, in order to document your identity, we may need you to provide us with valid proof of identity (for example, a copy of your passport, visa, residence permit, national identity, and / or driver’s license)
  • We may also need to collect specific financial information from you, for example your credit card and / or bank account details.
  • Information about your purchases will be collected.
  • Please note that we may use your Internet Protocol (IP) address (a unique number assigned to your computer server, Internet service provider, or ISP) to analyze your activities and improve site management.
  • We may collect additional information about your computer (for example browser type) and browsing information (for example the pages you visit on the site) in addition to the number of times you use the site.
  • Finally, we may collect additional information from you or about you in other ways not specifically described here. For example, we may collect information related to your communication with the customer support team or by answering questionnaires. We may also collect reviews and other comments related to your use of the site. When we collect personal information for statistical purposes, the names of the information owners must be anonymous.

Our use of your personal information:

We only share your personal information as shown below with our technical support and delivery partners:

  • We use your personal information to provide services and support from the customer team in order to measure the level of our services and improve them for you and prevent illegal activities and implementation of the terms of the use agreement that comes with you (the “Use Agreement”), in addition to solving problems, collecting fees and providing you with promotional e-mails as well as for documenting information that you provided us with it with third parties, for example, we may resort to sharing some of your personal information with banks or authorizing credit cards to process and document services or with third parties for the purposes of verifying frauds.
  •  Although we are keen to maintain your confidentiality, we may need to reveal your personal information to law enforcement agencies, government agencies or third parties, we are obliged to do so by orders of the court or other legal departments to be in compliance with the provisions of the law or when we believe that the disclosure of your personal information may protect whoever causes physical harm, financial loss, or news about a suspicious activity, or to investigate the possibility of violating the terms and conditions of the user agreement and any agreements, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of fayendra', our users, or others.
  • We may reveal your personal information in case that Fayendra or any of its subsidiaries (Harbridge Middle East and Fayendra or any of its assets related to its business) are sold to a potential buyer with the aim of continuing the site's activity or in relation to this sale for the purposes described in this policy. We may share your personal information with our other group of companies for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Contact information will be the personal information that you provided us with upon registration and that must always be kept up to date.
  • We do not sell or rent any of your personal information to a third party within the usual scope of our business and we will only share your personal information according to what is stated in this (Privacy Policy).
  • In addition to that, we use your comments about the site for marketing purposes. By submitting these notes, you agree that we use these notes for marketing purposes.

Your use of your personal information and other user information:

  • Members may need to share personal information (including financial information) with each other in order to complete operations on the site. You must respect the privacy of other members of the site at all times.
  • We do not guarantee the confidentiality of your information when members of other sites share it, so you must request information about the privacy policy of these sites before you begin providing them with any personal information data.
  • This Privacy Policy does not cover the reveal of your personal information to a member of another website.
  • You agree that you will not use the personal information that you have received from the site about any member of another site in accordance with the laws in force in this document.
  • You acknowledge and agree that you must use the personal information that you have received from users of other websites in accordance with applicable laws.

Use, enter, browse and amend your personal information 

  • Please note that we will keep your personal information during and after you have finished using the site as required by law, with the aim of overcoming technical barriers, to prevent fraud, and to assist in any legal investigation and to take any other measures provided for by law.      

Your personal information Protection

  • We take all precautions to preserve your information by not accessing, using, or revealing it in an unauthorized manner.
  • All personal information is encrypted, however the Internet is an unsafe method and we do not guarantee the confidentiality of your personal information

How to contact us to inquire about (Privacy Policy)

If you have questions or concerns about our collection and use of your personal information, please contact our customer service team at Harbridge Middle East Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Madinah, phone number +966148274933

*Harbridge Middle East is the exclusive licensee of intellectual property (as applicable) and is the exclusive licensee of the domain name in Saudi Arabia.*

Intellectual property:

  • All copyright, trademarks, trade names, commercial appearance, designs, "appearance and nature" of the website, and other intellectual property, materials and rights in and relating to the website, including the software, and all hypertext markup languages (HTML) and other symbols it contains, remain. Website, page titles, images, text, illustrations, shapes, logos, designs, icons, images, programs, music clips, downloads, and video clips (collectively referred to as “intellectual property”) at all times belong to Fayendra and / or the property of their owners Stakeholders, protected by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, international trademark rights and copyrights.
  • You can access, view, download and print the intellectual property and all other materials displayed on our website for your personal, non-commercial use only as permitted by Fayendra expressly and / or its authorized third parties, provided that you do the following:
  • Not to modify or change the intellectual property in any way.
  • Not to commercially provide or introduce intellectual property to others.
  • You will not be able to obtain any copyrights, trademarks or property rights, regardless of intellectual property. No licenses, rights, property, or interests in any materials or software are transferred to you as a result of your use of the website, your access to, viewing, downloading or printing your intellectual property. You cannot copy (except as provided for above), publish, transfer, distribute, display, amend, or create works derived from, sold, or participate in the sale or benefit in any way, in whole or in part, of any intellectual property or website. Intellectual property can only be used as a marketing source. Any other use of intellectual property, including copying, modifying, distributing, transmitting, republishing, displaying or performing intellectual property is strictly prohibited.

*Harbridge Middle East is the exclusive licensee of intellectual property (as applicable) and is the exclusive licensee of the domain name in Saudi Arabia.*



  • Fayendra doesn’t provide any warranty as to the accuracy of the website's content, nor does it guarantee that that content is error-free, reliable, or that your use of the content will not infringe upon the rights of others. Fayendra does not warrant that the functional aspects of the website or its content will be error-free or that the website, its contents or the server it provides will be free from viruses or other harmful components. If your use of it leads to any damage or the need to maintain or replace property, material, equipment or data, Fayendra is not responsible in any way for those costs. Fayendra does not make any warranty regarding the content, software, text, downloads, graphics, links on the website or any results from the use of the website. You bear full responsibility for the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of any content on this website. Fayendra reserves the right to remove any content from the website at any time and for any reason. Such removal may be immediate and without notice. You acknowledge that Fayendra is not liable to you or any third party for any such removal.
  • We strive to provide an accurate description of the products displayed on our website and display the colors of the products as accurately as possible. We cannot guarantee that your image monitor will display colors accurately.
  • We do not guarantee that the image is 100% identical to nature.

Provide feedback

Fayendra encourages buyers on the site to give their evaluation of the products after the completion of each sale, this would help all users to identify the best, and your return information will be displayed with the user's identity on the site, and you agree not to post feedback that contains racist attacks or diminish the cultural value and any cynical comments, and it is prohibited to post feedback to promote off-site sales. In the event that you continue to receive negative feedback, the site and / or Fayendra will proceed to cancel your membership on the site.


You agree, at our request, to defend, compensate and ward off harm to Fayendra and its affiliated entities, including, its employees, directors, agents, suppliers, and its licensors, and against any and all of the claims, damages, costs, and expenses, including attorneys ’fees arising out of or related to your use of the site on the Internet , or any breach by you of these terms and conditions, or the use of any other person accessing the website using your online account. Fayendra reserves the right to take exclusive control of any matter that is otherwise subject to compensation by you, and that right and compensation will remain in effect after the termination of these terms and conditions and your use of the website.


  • You acknowledge that it is technically not possible to display the website free from defects and that Fayendra cannot take any responsibility for this, that these defects may lead to a temporary unavailability of the website, and that the operation of the website may be negatively affected by conditions and procedures outside of Fayendra's control, such as Transport and communication links between Fayendra and you and Fayendra and other systems or networks.
  • Fayendra can at any time, temporarily or permanently, modify or disconnect the entire website or part of it in order to perform maintenance and / or improvements and / or changes to the website. Fayendra is not responsible for any modification, suspension or interruption that occurs to the website.

Evacuating responsibility

  • Our website is provided by Fayendra on the basis of "what exists" and "what is available". Fayendra does not make any pledges or warranties of any kind express or implied, regarding the operation of our website or the information, content, materials or products listed on our website. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Fayendra disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchant-ability and fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, skill and reasonable care or non-infringement.
  • Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Fayendra disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to the goods offered on our website.
  • You acknowledge, through your use of the website, that your use of our website is your sole responsibility. This disclaimer does not apply to any product warranty provided by the product manufacturer. This disclaimer is an integral part of these terms and conditions.

Liability limits

  • It is not intended for anything contained in these Terms and Conditions prejudice to your right as a client under the laws of Saudi Arabia.
  • The use of the website or any services or products available through it is your responsibility, and unless these terms and conditions stipulate otherwise, you bear full responsibility for any loss arising from your use of the website or any services or products available through it. .
  • Fayendra, its subsidiary entities, employees, managers, or officials are not liable under any circumstances and under any legal or fair theory, whether it is tort, contractual, limited, or otherwise, towards you or toward any other person in exchange for any indirect losses or damages Private, incidental, or consequential of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the website, including without limitation damages compensation for loss of profits or loss of goodwill or loss of data or interruption of work or accuracy of results, failure, or computer malfunctions, even if an authorized representative of Fayendra has been notified or should have known of the possibility of such damages. Subject to the foregoing, Fayendra shall not be liable in any way for any damages in excess of the amount paid by you for the price of the product for which the claim arose. You hereby exempt us from any and all obligations, responsibilities and claims that exceed this limit.
  • According to what is permitted by law, the site, Fayendra, their employees, directors, agents, affiliates and suppliers thereof shall not be responsible for any direct loss or malfunctions arising from your use of the site. If you are not satisfied with the site or any of its contents and its materials, the solution is not to continue using it, furthermore you agree that any unauthorized use of the site and its services, due to your negligence, will cause harm to the site and / or by Fayendra, and therefore the site and / or Fayendra will have to resort to the terms and conditions of the user agreement.


You agree to provide security for the site and / or for Fayendra, their directors, employees, agents, suppliers and their suppliers and protect them from any harm that may be incurred by them as a result of claims, losses, faults, costs, and expenses that occur due to your violation of the user agreement, your violation of any law, amendments, or infringement of the rights of third parties.

Relationship and notices

  • None of the terms of the User Agreement include a reference to a partnership between you and the site and / or Fayendra, and you have no authority to bind the site and / or Fayendra in any way.
  •  You can send any notices you want to send to the website and / or Fayendra by email, provided the website and / or Fayendra respond to the email. You know and agree that any notices sent to you from the site and / or Fayendra will be announced on the site or by the email you provided to us during the registration process, and you are supposed to receive it after 72 hours of transmission.

Transfer of rights and obligations

The user acknowledges and agrees to grant the site and / or Fayendra the right to transfer part or all of its rights, benefits, obligations and responsibilities to other parties working with it, without the need to refer to you, according to the provisions of the user agreement, and the site and / or Fayendra are obligated to notify you of such transfers if you also obtained publishing on the site, while you cannot transfer your benefits, rights and obligations to a third party without taking prior written permission from the site and / or Fayendra, according to the terms and conditions in the user agreement.

Miscellaneous terms and conditions

  • We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice to you. Any amendment to these Terms and Conditions is considered valid as soon as published on our website. Your continued use of the website (or any of our websites) after this change is made constitutes an agreement to adhere to the revised terms and conditions. We ask that you read the terms and conditions and confirm them frequently. If you do not agree to any change to the terms and conditions, then you must stop using the website.
  • These terms and conditions constitute the entirety of the legal agreement concluded between you and Fayendra which governs your use of the website and the services and products available therein and completely replace any previous agreements between you and Fayendra regarding them.
  • You acknowledge and agree that the form and nature of the services may change from time to time without notice to you and Fayendra may stop providing it (or any features in it) to you or your users.
  • You understand that Fayendra gives public search engine operators permission to use spiders to copy materials from one site to another for the sole purpose of creating publicly available search indicators from the material and Fayendra reserves the right to cancel these exceptions either in general or in specific cases.
  • You understand that you are solely responsible (and Fayendra does not bear any responsibility towards you or others) for any breach of your obligations under these terms and conditions and consequences (including losses or damages that Fayendra may be exposed to) of any such breach.
  • If Fayendra does not execute or implement or postpone its execution or implementation of any legal right or remedial action, this is not considered a formal waiver of Fayendra's rights.
  • You and Fayendra are independent contractors, and these terms and conditions, including but not limited to the presentation or distribution of your content, do not establish, in whole or in part, any partnership, joint venture, employment, concession or agency relationship between you and Fayendra. Neither party has the power to bind the other or take obligations on behalf of the other without the other party’s prior written consent. Neither party is authorized to act as an agent nor representative of the other or on behalf of the other in any capacity other than expressly set forth in these terms and conditions. Neither party shall announce or provide representation of itself (or any of its agents) that it acts or is authorized to act in that manner, or that it bears responsibility or obligation on behalf of, or in the name of, the other party, unless these terms and conditions specifically provide for this.
  • If any provision of these terms and conditions becomes illegal or not enforceable, the other terms and conditions will not be affected and will remain complete and effective.
  • No person who is not a party to this user agreement has the right to impose any terms or conditions in it.
  • These terms and conditions are written in English and Arabic. If there is an inconsistency between the English text and the Arabic text, the Arabic text will prevail.
  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all disputes arising therefrom are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Governing Law and Legislation

This user agreement is governed and drafted according to the law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it is completely and totally subject to the legislation applied in the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this paragraph creates an alternative that is resorted to in case that this user agreement expires or is cancelled for any reason whatsoever.

Contact Us - Customer Service
If you have any questions about the terms and conditions or any part of your request, please contact our customer service via email or by phone at the number+966148278336 daily from 9:00 am to 7:00 PM (Saudi Arabia time)